SendGrid Stocking Stuffer: 2016 Email Delivery Blog Post Bundle

December 21, 2016
Written by
Kate Schmeisser
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

I was pumped to find out that I’d be able to write this stocking stuffer post because I get to talk about our incredible our Delivery Consulting Team! I’d introduce you to the team, but you probably already know them from all of the content they produce—Kurt, Luke, Jacob, Seth, Taylor, Corey, and we're excited to welcome the latest addition to the team, Will!

Why This is a Gift

Aside from their very full days helping SendGrid’s clients tackle email obstacles and reach their goals, the Delivery Consulting Team also takes the time to share their deliverability expertise with us by assisting with guides, presenting on webcasts, and writing value-packed blog posts.

How to Use It

These blog posts are a treasure trove of knowledge, and the value extends far beyond just telling you how to get your email to the inbox (though that is a major focus). The team explains the best way to start and the most gracious way to end relationships with your recipients, major differences between marketing and transactional email, and more in the posts listed below! I split up their 2016 posts into three categories:

Email Strategy

Identify and (Then) Improve: An Email Delivery Strategy

Email’s a Stage: A Look Behind The Curtain of Your Email Program

It's the Comp-Complainiest Time of Year

The Welcome Email Series: Strategy and Benefits of a Layered Brand Introduction

5 Pillars of Email Deliverability

Email Logistics

Avoiding Email Deny Lists: Best Practices for Reducing Your Risk of IP and Domain Blacklisting

What Is Affecting Your Email Delivery?

You Forgot to Say Please: How to Collect Email Addresses

Considerations When Switching ESPs

The Email Ecosystem: From Start to Send

What Makes an Email Message Transactional or Promotional?

Should You Include an Unsubscribe Link in Your Transactional Email Messages?

Best Practices For Sending Updated Terms of Service or Privacy Policy Emails

Bonus Posts

Don’t Fear the New iOS 10 Update

Comparing Industry Email Engagement Stats

A Look at the World of Sending Political Emails

Now, we're not saying you need to read ALL of these posts—between wrapping presents and icing cookies, who has time for that? But skim through your options and refresh your noggin on at least a few topics to end the year strong.

If you're still looking for email delivery tips and tricks (impressive!), listen in to our recent webcast with the team, Delivery Panel Power Hour.

Send With Confidence

Partner with the email service trusted by developers and marketers for time-savings, scalability, and delivery expertise.