A fluent interface allows us to create API calls dynamically, without the need to pre-define every endpoint. For example, we can use `client.path.to.the.endpoint.get()` for a call to: `GET /path/to/the/endpoint` without having to define methods for `path`, `to`, `the`, and `endpoint`.
To chain our method calls together, in general, we simply return `this`. However, in this case we are returning a new version of the `Client` object, because we want to preserve fragments of the URL for later reuse
see line 29.
To capture the method calls dynamically, we need to use C#’s dynamic `TryGetMember`
C# docs method, which is called whenever the object can't find the method you are calling
see line 20. We end the chain by trying to invoke the method, using C#’s dynamic `TryInvokeMember`
C# docs method
See line 43.
To handle special cases or allow users to specify a complete path as a string, we use the `_()` method
see line 32. You pass in a string and receive a new object with the name of your string added to the URL path variable.
The following references helped me understand the concepts described in this post:
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