'Tis the Season: Introducing Our 12 Days of Holiday Sending Mini-Series

December 05, 2014
Written by
Kate Schmeisser
Opinions expressed by Twilio contributors are their own

Who has a lot of extra time around the holidays? Anyone? We know your time is precious and the holidays put an extra strain on all of you who are trying to attend every holiday party and ice every cookie, which is why we’re introducing our new mini-series 12 Days of Holiday Sending.

Stop by our blog for a quick email tidbit on a best practice for holiday sending. We promise to be concise and get right to the point! These email best practices are easy to follow, you just need to keep them in mind. Our 12 days of sending will focus on a piece of the 4 holiday categories we deemed most important to watch: content, volume, subscribers, and metrics.

We can't stress enough that your holiday email program can have a big effect on your overall email reputation. Big effect in the sense it can be a deciding factor between the spam folder and inbox. Don't let a few silly mistakes over the holiday determine the rest of your email's fate in the new year!

Get a jump start by checking out the SlideShare below! Don’t worry if it doesn’t make complete sense to you yet, we’ll go into more detail the day we feature each best practice mentioned. We’ll see you soon starting off with Day 1: Content - Stay Consistent with your brand.

Feel like a little kid waiting to open a present? If you just can't wait, you can get the whole kit and caboodle by listening in on our latest webcast Holiday Sending Hacks.

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