Resetting your Username and Password


Twilio Unified Login users

For users who are using the Unified Login feature, use the Twilio Console(link takes you to an external page) to update your username and/or password.

The content on this page pertains to SendGrid users who are not yet using Unified Login.

If you already know your password, you can change your SendGrid password by editing your Account Details(link takes you to an external page) in the UI. If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it on the Reset password page(link takes you to an external page).

Changing your password through the SendGrid UI

changing-your-password-through-the-sendgrid-ui page anchor

To change your password using the SendGrid UI:

  1. From the homepage, select the drop-down in the top left corner and then select Account Details, or navigate to Settings, and then click Account Details.
  2. Locate the Password section, and click the edit icon.
  3. Enter your current password, a new password, and confirm the new password. Then, click Save.

If for some reason you cannot remember your password and cannot log in, you can still change your password.

To reset your password using the Forgot Password link:

  1. Navigate to the SendGrid login page(link takes you to an external page).
  2. Click Forgot Password(link takes you to an external page).
  3. Enter your SendGrid username.

Twilio SendGrid will send you an email with account reactivation steps. Follow these steps to access your account again. If you don't receive the email, you may not be entering the correct username.

To change your username:

  1. From the homepage, select the drop-down in the top left corner and then select Account Details, or navigate to Settings, and then click Account Details.
  2. Locate the Username section, and click the edit icon.
  3. Enter a new username. Then, click Save.

In the event that you forget your username, you can reset it by filling out this SendGrid support form(link takes you to an external page).